An Overview of the Daily Ongoings of Zach Ricci-Braum

30 May 2011

Both tick and tock

If I had one word for my day today it would be brilliant.  Not only did I have the honor of speaking at the Memorial Day remembrance on the square, but I was treated like a big shot too.  Walked with the mayor and city council and trustees!  Only a few people recognized me though, but that's not a huge loss.  Played some tennis with the guys on a full stomach (steak for lunch) and got slightly sunburned.  I swear, I put sunscreen on.  I'll be fine.  Here's the more exciting part: Italy, here I come.  Suitcase is packed, well mostly packed.  It'll get there tomorrow.  Grand diary (my personal notes on the places I will be seeing) is not nearly close to being finished, but you win some, you lose some.  You can't do it all, at least I certainly can't.  I do try the best I can.  If the day had 30 hours it still probably wouldn't be enough for me as I need all the time I can get....I have a lot that I want to do! But the time is ticking down till I board my place in CLE and hopefully arrive safely and without delay in ADR.  And let's also hope I don't have to sit next to crying babies, sick people, weird people, or any other unfortunate kind of person on my trans-Atlantic flight!  But that is most certainly out of my control!  I'll leave you with this: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do in Italy!"
Cheers, Zach

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