An Overview of the Daily Ongoings of Zach Ricci-Braum

31 May 2011

One day more!

Although the song from Les Mis is totally inappropriate to describe my elation I look to it anyway because the title is.  Today was hot! Hopefully the temp in Italia will be cooler.  Weather says it will be around 80 the whole week, but who can really trust the weatherman?  I got a whole lot of nothing done on my journal, I suppose it's for the best.  It was stressing me out so I'll just take it in stride and rely on what I already know.  Cleared camera memory card, packed film camera, and now I know why disposable razors are so cheap.....needless to say I am taking a good razor with me.  Gah I am trying to write but I am way to excited to even think in complete sentences!  My current challenge: beat jet lag and sleep on the plane.  I already have earplugs, and with an in-flight movie like Eat Pray Love I won't have to think twice about using them.  And that, my friends, is a hard fact.  Till tomorrow then. In Italy. -Z

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