An Overview of the Daily Ongoings of Zach Ricci-Braum

11 June 2011

Dinner Alone and Loving It

As described in the title, I went my own way tonight.  Everyone else was excited to go to a place that we had already gone to before and that I had thought was overrated.  So I did my own thing and went down to Via Napoli and ate at a little pizzareia that I had found a couple nights ago.  They make you your own pizza and you get a coke too, all for 5€.  What a deal!  It was rather tasty and I was able to eat at my own pace.  You'd think that a big city like this would be intimiadating at night, but it is actually really safe.  The beggars are only out in the daytime and the nightlife here is rather impressive.  There always seems to be a play going on or something of the sort.  So my evening was relaxing and I was able to chill away from everyone else.  I'd chalk that up as a win.  There was nothing eventful that happened between my last post and now, but you all know how much I like to talk!  Tomorrow is a free day so I intend to use it for historical stuff, preferably Hadrian's tomb and the Ara Pacis.  So perhaps I will get up early and get on a bus or something....but until then, buena notte! -Z

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