An Overview of the Daily Ongoings of Zach Ricci-Braum

08 June 2011

La Cena e Whatever the Word For Bed is

After dinner, which might I add was quite good, I just sat around like a lazy bum.  I'll admit I am starting to get accustomed to this Bella vita over here.  Swimming in the pool was nice but since I am a little sunburned it seemed to aggravate it, which I should have expected.  I did enjoy myself.  That seems to be a theme developing here.  I sat in front of the television in the lobby and surfed through about two hundred channels until I found soccer--the one thing that I could watch and understand--and I even considered getting another coke.  I figure that can wait till tomorrow.  I have had a lot of time to myself today to think and I realized how very far from home I actually am.  The people here make me miss talking to the people that I care about.   I hate to get sappy this far in but I suppose I didn't realize how much I socialize when I'm back home.  It will be nice to have my phone back but in many respects I am glad that I do not have it.  I don't think that it has hit me that I am on the complete opposite side of the globe yet.....I fell asleep and woke up in Italy.  It will and I know it will, but I have a feeling that it will not be until I get back.  Tomorrow is going to be a busy day I hear, we are going via tour bus to Paestum to see some well-preserved Greek temples which date to 600 BC.  Sound to me that if I had an alley, Paestum would be up it!  Because of this I think it is fitting and proper to call it an early night, I am pretty sure that I need it anyway. Miss you all.  -Z

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