An Overview of the Daily Ongoings of Zach Ricci-Braum

12 June 2011

The Evening of the Last Night

It is a shame to say that it is my last night in Rome but I honestly can say that I had the best eveing possible.  My roommate and I went to the same pizza place that I had already been to while everyone else went for a sit down dinner and a revisit of the Pantheon.  We had a lot more fun and walked down Natzionale till we got to the Colosseo and then sat there for about two or three hours and watched the sun set over the Colleseo, the Arch of Constantine, and the Basilica of Constantine.  It was really fantastic.  I ended up giving tour advice to a couple of older people and they told me some stories as well.  I now know that Nixon's favortie beer was Heiniken and that he enjoied watching the Flintstones.  We then walked back to the convent but made sure to pick up gelato (large size, of course) on our way.  The nun at the desk wouldn't let me take mine to the computer--which was wise, you all know what a sloppy eater I am--and it is upstairs now so I had better go get it before it melts!  All in all I can say that I loved the trip despite the problems that some people caused and are still trying to cause, but doing my own thing these past two days has really paid off and I have enjoied myself much more because of it.  I think it should be a bit of an early bedtime as I am dreading the plane ride home.....I think I will get a Taco Bell burrito on the way home from the airport.  Very American of me.  I think that my stomach will know that I am home then!  As I can feel that my gelato is turning to liquid, I think it is fitting and proper to go eat it.  For the last time, Arrividerci, Roma, e buena notte! -Z

1 comment:

  1. I like gelato because I like my ice cream melted. Since gelato isnt full of air, You dont seem to 'lose' any once it melts.
